Amway Thajsko oznámila rekordní prodeje od svého vstupu na thajský trh před 30 lety. Obrat v roce 2016 činil 17,5 miliardy bahtů, což proti předchozímu roku představuje nárůst o 5,7%. Kategorie Zdraví a krása (Health & Beauty) mají v Thajsku 80% podíl na obratu.
V roce 2016 byla Amway Thailand oceněna jako nejobdivovanější firma přímého prodeje s ohledem na důvěru a přízeň spotřebitelů a to již šestnáctý rok v řadě za sebou.
- Amway Thailand reports highest sales in 30 years, The Nation, 4.2.2017, str. 15
- Amway titled as Thailand’s Most Admired Brand in Direct Selling Business for 16th Consecutive Year
Super 🙂 Jsem zvědav, jak na tom bude ČR 🙂 Loňský závěr roku asi trochu mohl hnout s obraty…
You reap what you sow. If you want what others have, you must do what others do. How does the Asian mindset differ from yours? What are they willing to do that you’re not?
Here in North America, our Asian population represents about half of Amway’s growth; yet they represent less than 10% of our population. Training seems to be one of the key factors in their high retention rate. Study what Holly Chen teaches the Chinese in her organization. Likewise, Leonard Kim in Korea and Foo Howe Kean in Malaysia and Thailand. They and Japanese Double Crown Ambassador, Kaoru Nakajima have now expanded their business here.
If you have a loving, caring relationship with your downline, they’ll stick with you. People join people, not Amway.
When you know your products, it’s easier to sell them. When you sell your products, you earn money. When people are profitable, they don’t quit.
The grass is not greener on the other side of the fence. CR has green grass. What are YOU going to do about it? You can do it!